Day 3

2night we are writing this is english because we’re not able to switch back to german. we started talking english like 3 hours ago and since then never stopped. So we go on…

2day we started our tour at the „Exploratorium“ or „The Palace of Fine Arts“. It was a great and very interactive museum, mostly for children but we had our fun there too. We stayed there like 3 hours and it was so much fun because we felt like real children.

Afterwards we went to a real American diner and ate some burgers (Only Julia ate a salad without dressing).

In the afternoon we went to Fisherman’s Wharf and TRIED to catch a cable car. But the only one we were able to get was a waiting cable car :) We only could take pictures with it but we were not able to go on a ride. Due to this fact we went up the hills „by pedes“ and went to the famous „Lombard Street“ and took some great pictures. Next we shot very beautiful and very funny pictures at the highest basketball court in San Francisco :D

The plan was to visit the „Cable car Museum“ but it failed :D We ended up at an ice cream shop and bought half a gallon of „Cookie n Cream“ Ice cream.  (We only ate half of it)

We walked pass the Cable Car Museum and went to Chinatown afterwards. The very Chinese buildings were so pretty and amazing.

Leaving Chinatown through the well-known Gate we arrived directly at Financial district. The first impression we got here were homeless people asking for money for an „alcohol research“ :) We donated one dollar and took another great picture…

In the evening we were heading for some nice bars and met a very nice „San Franciscaner“ called Sully :D We also greet Chelsea and Christine and Chelsea’s husband :D

Had a great evening…

Now we’re going to sleep because we are visting Alcatraz tomorrow.

BTW tomorrow is our last day in this beautiful city. We love it.

Yours forever

Julia, Philipp and Stefan, Martina

2 Kommentare zu “Day 3”
Sabine Veröffentlicht am 26. August 2010 um 12:15

Hi you 4 „American people“. I hope you come back to germany in the end of your holidays. I`ll be glad, when you`ll become NOT a homeless gambler in the american streets, asking for money and alkohol, like the man of your photo. Have lot of fun and enjoy your trip. Be careful, so you needn`t stay in „Alcatraz“ till the end of your life :-) :-D I enjoy your informations in the blog. Wish you very good days!!! Greetings from Sabine
PS: Sorry, but my english is terrible. I hope it dosn`t matter!!!!

Oma Veröffentlicht am 27. August 2010 um 15:38

Hallo Martina .
Ich beneide Euch ,San Franzisco ist eine tolle Stadt .Geniesst Euren Tripp
passt auf Euch auf .Ihr habt noch so viel for Euch.Ich Wuensche Euch ganz
viel Glueck in Las- Vegas. Bei Lobster and I dont
now ,only since 4 hours in the morning are free.But we were to early ,so we
have to pay the normal Price. Aber es war eine Erfahrung mehr

Alles alles Liebe Deine Oma

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